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The most Important things that you need to avoid debt.

January 8, 2009

Experts agree that the average customer who follows common-sense and painless tips to stay out of credit card debt can expect to enjoy their money and can expect to avoid many of the disasters associated with overspending.

Stay Wary of Credit Card Debt
Many customers who do have debt problems run into trouble through unsecured debt such as credit cards. This is because credit cards are so easy to use that they can lead to overspending quite easily. The high interest rates that many card companies charge can also contribute to problems. Experts suggest customers follow a few simple tips to avoid debt

Limit your cards
Most customers need only one to two credit cards (this includes store cards). The more credit cards you have, the easier it will be for you to fall into too much debt.

Pay off your cards on time
Being late with your bills makes your interest rates rise and also subjects you to interest rate increases and late penalties. Whenever possible, try to pay off your card balance in full. If this is not possible, at least make some payment on your card.

Live below your means
Many customer use credit cards to buy items they could not afford otherwise. This can become a habit far too easily. Remember: plastic is always more expensive than cash, so if you can’t afford to pay cash for an item, you really can’t afford to pay with a credit card.
Shop for the best cards possible
If you need credit cards, don’t select the first card you see in an ad. Take the time to really learn about interest rates and benefits and select the card that makes the most financial sense for you.

Carry cash
Studies show that customers who pay with cash tend to pay less than those who pay with credit cards. Those customers paying with credit are those who are most likely to overspend.

Watch out for credit card fraud
If you notice that your card is missing or that an unrecognized charge has appeared on your bill, report it right away. Becoming a victim of identity theft or fraud could hurt your credit score.

Reduce Your Debts
You can also avoid having too-large debt simply by reducing the amount of money that you now owe. This is easily done with a few expert tips:

Pay off more than the minimum each month
Paying even a little more than the minimum can help keep your credit score healthy and will keep your interest rates lower.

Consider consolidation
Pooling your debts into one larger debt can help insure that you pay the lowest interest rates possible. If you have lots of credit cards, especially, consolidation can help you tackle your principal balance so that you can really pay it off.

Have a plan to pay off your debts
Decide how much you can contribute towards your debts each month. Then find ways that you can save more money or earn more money so that you can get out of debt sooner.

Eliminate Your Debts Regularly
When you notice your debt begin to creep upward, you may want to create a more aggressive plan to eliminate debt. That way, you can take care of your bills while they are still small and are only starting to make you worry. You don’t want to wait until your bills cause you stress or cause you stay up at night. As soon as you notice your debts are too large for comfort, you should:
Stop charging
If you continue to overspend and take out loans or credit, your debt will continue to grow, making it less likely that you will actually enjoy a debt-free life.

Cut back on non-necessities
If you have a cable subscription, or subscription to magazines you don’t even need, consider canceling and putting the money towards your debt. Even a daily coffee speciality drink can add up, so look for ways to save and repay your bills.

Look at your debt realistically
Debt is an emotional issue, but facing how much you owe and how long it will take you to pay off is important if you really want to achieve results.

Seek out debt solutions that may help
There are many sources of help for you. Professional non-profit debt help and even financial officers at banks can help you get control of your money so that you worry less and enjoy your life more.

Just because some customers have problems with debt, that does not mean that you are doomed to the same fate. Now that you know the expert tips to avoid debt and the simple tips to stay out of credit card debt, you can see how easy it is to control your money. By actually implementing these tips, you can enjoy your money more fully and enjoy peace of mind.

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